JURNAL EKSPERIMENTAL : Media Ilmiah Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah 2024-04-26T03:45:26+00:00 Gusti Handayani Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Eksperimental</strong> merupakan media ilmiah pendidikan bagi guru madrasah ibtidaiyah yang diterbitkan pada Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah STI Tarbiyah Al-Hilal Sigli. Jurnal ini terbit dua kali setahun yaitu pada bulan Juli dan Desember. Selanjutnya, jurnal ini diterbitkan dalam dua versi, yaitu cetak dan online. Fokus jurnal ini memuat artikel-artikel penelitian tentang Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah/Pendidikan Guru SD/MI/SD, seperti analisis kompetensi, strategi pembelajaran, teori pembelajaran, pengembangan pembelajaran, profesionalisme pendidik, dan hasil penelitian. Reviewer akan meninjau setiap makalah yang dikirimkan ke redaksi jurnal eksperimental.</p> PENERAPAN MEDIA PERMAINAN LACAK KARTU BILANGAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA PADA MATERI OPERASI HITUNG BILANGAN CACAH 2024-01-04T05:09:08+00:00 Junaidah Anis Safira <p><em>This research aims to find out how the application of the Number Card Tracking Media Game can improve the learning outcomes of 3<sup>th</sup> grade MIN 22 Pidie students on whole number counting operations. The research design used in this research was classroom action research (CAR) using the Kurt Lewin model. The subjects in this research were 3<sup>th</sup> grade students at MIN 22 Pidie, totaling 22 students consisting of 19 male and 13 female students. Data collection in research was carried out by observation, tests/evaluations, and field notes. The results of the research showed that the average individual score in cycle I was 69.86 with a completion percentage of 45.45% and in cycle II it was 76.68 with a completion percentage of 72.72% and experienced an increase in cycle III, which are 92.81 with a percentage 100%. It can be concluded that the application of the number card tracking game media can improve student learning outcomes in whole number counting operation material for class III MIN 22 Pidie</em></p> 2024-01-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Junaidah, Anis Safira PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN APLIKASI MARBEL UNTUK MENGEMBANGKAN KEMAMPUAN MEMBACA 2024-01-09T04:03:12+00:00 Syifa Mardhiah <p><em>This research aims to determine the application of marble in developing early reading skills. This research is a type of quantitative research using an experimental approach used a pre-experimental research design, which used one group pre-test post-test design. The sample in this study were children aged 5-6 years in Kindergarten B class which are 6 girls and 7 boys. From the data analysis technique using the t-test, obtained the results of using the Marbel application to develop early reading skills for children as obtained from t<sub>count</sub> &gt; t<sub>table</sub>, which is 8.882 &gt; 1.782. The pre-test and post-test obtained scores that were far apart with the results of the pre-test obtaining an average value of x ̅=5.6, the results of the post-test obtaining x ̅=10.1. In this way the rejection of H0 and Ha is accepted, which means that there is a significant difference between the acquisition of pre-test and post-test scores. Therefore, it can be concluded that the marble application can develop early reading skills in Cinta Ananda Kindergarten</em></p> 2024-01-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Syifa Mardhiah PENGGUNAAN MEDIA POP-UP BOOK PADA MATERI PEREDARAN DARAHKU SEHAT UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KOGNITIF SISWA KELAS V SD NEGERI DAMAI 2024-04-26T03:34:50+00:00 Nasri Diana <p><em>The aim of this research was to find out whether the use of pop-up book media could improved the learning outcomes of 5<sup>th</sup> grade students on the material my blood circulation is healthy. These research was classroom action research carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages, which are planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The subjects of this research were 12 students consisting of 5 boys and 7 girls. Data collection methods were observation, test/evaluation and documentation. Student learning outcomes in cycle I obtained 58.33% of students who completed their studies with an average score of 70.83. And it increased in cycle II to 83.33% of students who completed their studies with an average score of 81.91. So it can be said that there is an increase in student learning outcomes in the material about my healthy blood circulation using pop-up book media in class V of SD Negeri Damai</em></p> 2024-04-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nasri Diana PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN COOPERATIVE TIPE TWO STAY TWO STRAY PADA MATERI MANFAAT ENERGI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA KELAS IV MIN 31 PIDIE 2024-04-26T03:45:26+00:00 Abdul Manaf Syarifah Rahmi <p><em>This study aims to determine the application of the cooperative learning model Type Two Stay Two Stray in the material benefits of energy can improve student learning outcomes of </em><em>4<sup>th</sup> grade</em><em> in MIN 31 Pidie. This type of research is classroom action research. With a KKM score of 70 for science subjects. The results of class action research cycle I obtained an average score of 63.00. In cycle II, the average value was 71.6. And in cycle III obtained an average value of 87. The completeness of student learning outcomes in cycle I which he assessed was above the KKM there were 5 students with a percentage of 25%. In cycle II, where the score is above the KKM, there are 10 students with a percentage of 50%. And in cycle III, where the score is above the KKM, there are 20 students with a percentage of 100%.</em></p> 2024-04-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Manaf, Syarifah Rahmi