مشكلات الكتابة العربية وحلولها لطلاب الصف السابع بالمدرسة المتوسطة الاسلامية الأهلية "السلام" بانجيلان طوبان
writing errors, writing skills, Arabic language learning.Abstract
This research aims to analyze the errors in Arabic writing among 7th-grade students at MTS As-Salam. Arabic language plays a crucial role in understanding and using Islamic religious texts and is one of the key subjects in secondary schools. However, many students face difficulties in learning Arabic, especially in writing.
The research was conducted using an error analysis method. Data were obtained from the writings of 7th-grade students at MTS As-Salam throughout one semester. The results of this analysis provide an overview of the types of errors commonly made by students in Arabic writing, as well as their contributing factors.
Based on the research findings, several common types of errors were identified, such as errors in using Arabic letters (huruf hijaiyah), punctuation, affixes, and sentence structures. These errors may hinder the comprehension and interpretation of the texts they write. Contributing factors to these errors include a lack of understanding of Arabic writing rules, insufficient practical writing exercises, and the influence of different native languages.
Therefore, further efforts are needed to improve the quality of Arabic language teaching at MTS As-Salam. Teachers should provide more practical exercises in Arabic writing and offer a deeper understanding of writing rules. Additionally, collaboration between teachers and parents is essential to help students enhance their Arabic language skills outside the school environment.
This research is expected to make a positive contribution in understanding and addressing Arabic writing errors among 7th-grade students at MTS As-Salam. By identifying common errors and their causes, it is hoped that the school can implement more effective learning strategies focused on enhancing students' Arabic language proficiency.
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