تحليل استخدام التعبيرات الاصطلاحية العربية في كتب العربية للناشئين
Arabic, Arabic Terms, Idioms, Arobiyah Lin-NasyiinAbstract
Arabic idioms are phrases made up of two or more words. This sentence has a different meaning than the original word. So it requires Arabic idiomatic theory in choosing the correct meaning and in accordance with the purpose of the meaning of a sentence. With 2 formulations of the problem 1) What are the patterns of idioms found in the book Arobiyah Lin-Nasyiin?, 2) What are the elements of idioms in the book Arobiyah Lin-Nasyiin? The research method uses descriptive qualitative with a literature study and content analysis approach.
The results of this study describe the use of 6 patterns of idioms in the book Arobiyah Lin-Nasyiin a) Fi'il + Isim + Huruf, b) Isim + Isim, c) Fi'il + Huruf, d) Fi'il + Isim, e) Fi'il + Fi'il + Isim, f) Fi'il + Isim + Huruf. 2) Types or types of meaning of Arabic idioms in the book Arobiyah Lin-Nasyiin are grouped into 2 types, a) Ta'rib al-kamilah, and b) Ta'bir Juz i.
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