استخدام الصورة كوسيلة لحفظ المفردات في تعليم اللغة العربية في المدرسة العالية الإسلامية الأهلية "الحكمة" بالونغريجو جومبانج
Image media, vocabulary memorization, Arabic language education.Abstract
Abstract This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of using images as a means to memorize vocabulary in Arabic language education. The study employs a qualitative and descriptive research approach to explore how images are utilized in teaching Arabic vocabulary at "Al-Hikmah" High School in Balongrejo, Jombang, Indonesia. Three methods were used to collect data: observation, interviews, and documents. The findings of this research can be summarized as follows: 1) The presence of vocabulary learning through image media at "Al-Hikmah" High School can increase students' knowledge of previously unfamiliar words. Students can also have a better understanding of the taught vocabulary, facilitating easier comprehension of Arabic materials during the learning process. 2) The challenges in learning vocabulary through image media at "Al-Hikmah" School are related to students' lack of understanding and motivation to learn Arabic as it is not their daily language. Thus, it is essential for teachers to make their students aware of the importance of learning Arabic and provide continuous motivation. 3) The advantages of using image media, such as images, are that they are easily accessible, inexpensive, clear, and capable of sparking students' enthusiasm. However, the drawbacks include a strong focus on the senses, requiring teachers to have a discerning eye in finding and utilizing suitable resources and skills.
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