إعداد المعجم العربي المصاحب لطلاب الفصل السابع في المدرسة المتوسطه "المنور" بوجونغارا
Mufrodat, pocket dictionaries, learning ArabicAbstract
Mufrodat is an important component of language, because its function is to form sentences or phrases. Of the many dictionaries created by linguists, and the various studies that have been conducted to create new dictionaries in the form of pocket dictionaries, the researcher still has not found a dictionary that specifically explains the material in Chapter VII. Even in the recent development of pocket dictionaries, educators who explain grade 7 material are still too few and require detailed understanding. Because writing a pocket dictionary is still not as short as a dictionary that can be used immediately. So we need a new alternative with a more practical model so that it is easier for students to learn dictionary vocabulary with a basic understanding without difficulty memorizing. This study uses research and development methods. This is a research method used to obtain a certain production. This study resulted from the Arabic language teaching method in the form of an Arabic pocket dictionary. Products are arranged based on teaching materials in elementary school textbook chapters. After the dictionary is written, it is evaluated by design experts, Arabic teachers, and Arabic language experts. Then given to students to help facilitate learning Arabic. Arabic teachers and Arabic subject experts evaluate and provide advice on the design of the resulting dictionaries including: definitions, readings, and suitability for Arabic learning ability levels.
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