Code Switching And Mixing Arabic Code in Speech of Arabic Descent Communities In Pasar Rebo, Purwakarta District
Code Switching, Code Mixing, LanguageAbstract
Aim of this study is to ascertain the transfer and blending of Arabic codes in Pasar Rebo, Purwakarta Regency. And what are the reasons for changing and blending the Arabic code. A survey method combined with a qualitative approach is used in this study. This study use interviews as well as observational methods to gather data. The data reduction step, the data presentation stage, and deriving conclusions were the data analysis methodologies used in this study. The findings of this study show that there are kinds of code switching and code mixing in speech in Pasar Rebu Purwakarta Regency, consisting of 12 code switching data, with each type of code switching having two data, such as events from Indonesian to Arabic. There are 3 data in Indonesian, 4 data when going from Arabic to Sundanese, and 3 data when switching from Arabic to Sundanese. They are all presented as an external Code Akih. While up to 8 data were found in this investigation that were in the form of code mixing at the word level. All of them are in the form of external Code Mixing. Therefore, this research shows that there are foreign cultures that color Indonesia, especially in language.
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