تطبيق طريقة القواعد والترجمة لتنمية مهارة القراءة عند طلاب الصف الأول بالمدرسة العالية الإسلامية الحكومية 4 فيدي
Grammar and translation method, reading skillAbstract
This study aims to know the application of the grammar and translation method to develop the reading skill of first-grade students in the Islamic High School of Government 4 Pidie. The research method used by the researcher is the procedural research method. The research tools that the researcher will use in collecting data are testing, observation, and documents. As for the results of the research, the results of the research in the first round indicate that the teaching and learning process is not successful, and the students’ enthusiasm is good, but they do not understand the material studied, and that gaining the average value of the results of students’ learning in the first round means 59.5, so that the researcher concludes that education in the first round is not enough. It must continue until the second round. The results of the research in the second round indicate that the teaching and learning process is effective and that students are active and enthusiastic in learning, as the average score was 77.5.
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