تحليل أخطاء مخارج الحروف لدى الطالبات بمدرسة علوم القرآن فيدي عند قراءة النصوص العربية
Error analysis, letter exits, Arabic textAbstract
This study aims to determine the types of letter exit errors among the students of the Madrasah Ulumul Quran Pidie. The research method used by the researcher in preparing this research is the descriptive approach by entering into the content analysis, and to obtain sufficient data in this study, direct observation, personal interviews, tests and documents are used. The results of the research obtained by the two researchers, the common errors among female students in the Arabic letter exits at the Madrasah Ulumul Quran Pidie include errors in the pronunciation of the letters kha, dhaad, dha, ha, and za’. These errors consist of light errors, medium errors and heavy errors. As for the attempts made by the teachers to correct the errors of the letters’ exits among the female students in the Madrasah Ulumul Quran Pidie, they consisted of creating special educational circles for the letters’ exits and the morning and night program for the correct pronunciation of the Arabic letters.
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