العلاقة بين الرغبة والتحصيل الدراسي عند الطلاب في تعليم اللغة العربية
(دراسة إرتباطية في المدرسة الثانوية تنجكو شيك داية جوت تيرو)
desire, academic achievement, learning the Arabic languageAbstract
This research aims to find out the desire to learn among students in the Arabic language subject in the Teungku Syik Dayah Cot Tiro secondary school, and to find out the academic achievement of students in the Arabic language subject in the Teungku Syik Dayah Cot Tiro secondary school, and to know the relationship between desire and academic achievement among students in the Arabic language subject at Teungku Syik Dayah cot Tiro High School. The research method that the researcher uses in completing this research is the correlational research method and using the Produc moment statistical system. There are three methods of collecting data in this research: observation, interview, and questionnaire. The results of the research indicated that the desire of students to learn the Arabic language subject in the Teungku Syik Dayah Cot Tiro High School is average with the adjusted value of 1.8, and that the academic achievement of the students in the Arabic language subject in the Teungku Syik Dayah Cot Tiro Secondary School is average with the adjusted value of 77.3, and that There is a significant relationship between the desire to learn the Arabic language among students at Teungku Syik Dayah Cot Tiro High School and its impact on academic achievement among students at Teungku Syik Dayah Cot Tiro Secondary School. This case is based on the result of the r calculation in this research, which is 0.71, more than the result of rt, 0.561.
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