تأثير اللعبة " تخمين الكلمة" على ترقية فهم المفردات العربية لطلاب الفصل التاسع في المدرسة الثانوية الإسلامية الأهلية "الوصايا" كرتورجا غورو جومبانج
Word Guessing, Arabic Lesson, Arabic VocubalaryAbstract
Word guessing games make it easier for students to understand Arabic lessons and encourage them to understand Arabic vocabulary. Among these games, students can easily understand Arabic vocabulary. The research questions are as follows: (1) how is the application of word guessing games to ninth grade students at MTs Al-Washoya Kertorejo Ngoro Jombang? (2) how is the understanding of Arabic vocabulary in ninth grade students at MTs Al-Washoya Kertorejo Ngoro Jombang? (3) how does the word guessing game affect improving the understanding of Arabic cosowords in ninth grade students at MTs Al-Washoya Kertorejo Ngoro Jombang? This study uses a quantitative research method with an ex post de facto type, where researchers do not have direct control over independent variables because the phenomenon is difficult to manipulate. The data collection methods used by the researcher include questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that the application of word guessing games has a positive effect on improving the understanding of Arabic cosowords. The significance value (sig-2 tailed) is 0.001, which means that the value of 0.005 is less than 0.001. It can therefore be concluded that the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. The R Square value (determination coefficient) is 0.444 indicating that the application of the word guessing game (x) to the Arabic cosoword comprehension variable (y) is 0.444, about 44.4% or rounded to 45%.
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