Sosiohistorical, Arab Society, Ancient Arabia, Moderns ArabiaAbstract
This article presents a comprehensive historical overview of the lives of ancient and modern Arab societies, focusing on their nature, customs, and the changes that took place in various aspects of their lives. Through research into historical sources such as Gustave Le Bon's "Hadorotul Arab" and various relevant documentation, this article aims to provide a better understanding of the development of Arab civilization and the changes that occurred in Arab society over time. The review covers the social, economic, cultural and lifestyle aspects of Arab society in the past and present. The result of this study is that in ancient times, Arab societies were characterized by a relatively isolated and conservative nature. They lived in villages and tribes, with strong customs and traditional values. The social and economic aspects of ancient Arab society were influenced by their nomadic life and reliance on trade and livestock. However, as times changed, modern Arab society underwent a significant transformation. Arab cities became centers of economic and cultural activity, with increasingly open lifestyles and adaptation to outside influences. Social, economic and political changes have affected their daily lives, with changes in family structure, gender roles, education and employment. Modern Arab societies are also faced with challenges and changes due to globalization and modernization. They interact with new technologies and have greater access to information. Islam remains a strong cornerstone in the lives of Arab societies, with values such as modesty, justice and social care continuing to be upheld. However, religious interpretations and practices may vary among Arab societies, depending on the historical, cultural and environmental contexts in which they live .
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