Articles published in EKSPERIMENTAL : Media Ilmiah Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah covers the results of qualitative and quantitative field research; conceptual; and literature review. covering several areas:

  • Analysis of student competency in PGMI/PGSD/MI/SD
  • Learning strategies in PGMI/PGSD/MI/SD
  • Conceptual ideas, theory, and practice of PGMI/PGSD/MI/SD
  • Study and application theory of PGMI/PGSD/MI/SD
  • Learning development and design in PGMI/PGSD/MI/SD
  • The professionalisme teacher/lecture PGMI/PGSD/MI/SD
  • Critical thinking PGMI/PGSD/MI/SD
  • The results of education and teaching research PGMI/PGSD/MI/SD